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User : andertr9 ( 1047)
PHP Version : 8.2.18
Disable Function : NONE
Directory :  /lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Current File : //lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyc
Hq�Qc@sCddlmZmZmZmZddlmZddlmZddl	Z	ddl
ddlZddlZddl
ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdefd��YZd�Zd�Zd	�Zd
�Zed�Zd�Zd
mergestatecBskeZdZd�Zdd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
d�Zd	�Zd
RS(s+track 3-way merge state of individual filescCs ||_t|_|j�dS(N(t_repotFalset_dirtyt_read(tselftrepo((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt__init__s		cCsDi|_|r||_ntj|jjd�t�t|_dS(Ntmerge(	t_statet_localtshutiltrmtreeRtjointTrueRR	(Rtnode((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytresets
	cCs�i|_y�|jjd�}xdt|�D]V\}}|dkrYt|d �|_q+|d jd�}|d|j|d<q+W|j�Wn+tk
r�}|j	t	j
kr��q�nXt|_dS(Nsmerge/stateii����ti(
RRtopenert	enumerateRRtsplittclosetIOErrorterrnotENOENTRR	(Rtftitltbitsterr((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyR
cCs�|jr�|jjdd�}|jt|j�d�x>|jj�D]-\}}|jdj|g|�d�qHW|j	�t
R(R	RRtwriteRRRt	iteritemsRRR(RRtdtv((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytcommit)s	%
cCs�tj|j��j�}|jjjd||j��d||j�|j�t|j	��|j�|j
�g|j|<t|_
dS(Nsmerge/tu(tutiltsha1tpatht	hexdigestRRR%tdataRtfilenodetflagsRRR	(Rtfcltfcotfcatfdthash((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytadd1s
||jkS(N(R(Rtdfile((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt__contains__7scCs|j|dS(Ni(R(RR8((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt__getitem__9sccs3|jj�}|j�x|D]}|Vq WdS(N(Rtkeystsort(RR!R((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt__iter__;s

cCs||j|d<t|_dS(Ni(RRR	(RR8tstate((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytmark@scCs�||dkrdS|j|\}}}}}}	}
||}||	}|jj|d|�}
|j�}|
q�n|jj	d|�}|jj
�|j�t
|j|j||||
�}|dkre|j|=n|s~|j|d�n|S(NtritfileidtxR!s#warning: cannot merge flags for %s
smerge/(RRtfilectxR1RRtuitwarnRRtwwritetreadRt	filemergeRtNoneR?(RR8twctxtoctxR>R6tlfiletafiletanodetofileR1tfcdR3R4tflotflaRR@((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytresolveCs."

R)R7R9R:R=R?RS(((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyRs								cCs^|jj|�o]tjj|j|��o]|jj|�|jko]||j||�S(N(tdirstatet_ignoretosR-tisfiletwjoint	normalizetcmp(RRJtmctxR((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt_checkunknownfile_scCs�t}xU|D]M}||kr
W|r|tjtd���ndS(s<check for collisions between unknown files and files in mctxs%s: untracked file differs
sLuntracked files in working directory differ from files in requested revisionN(	RR_RRRDRERR+tAbort(RRJR^terrorR((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt
    Forget removed files

    If we're jumping between revisions (as opposed to merging), and if
    neither the working directory nor the target rev has the file,
    then we need to remove it from the dirstate, to prevent the
    dirstate from listing the file when it is no longer in the

    If we're merging, and the other revision has removed a file
    that is not present in the working directory, we need to mark it
    as removed.
    R@Rsforget deletedsforget removedN(tdeletedtappendRItremoved(RJR^tbranchmergetactionsR>R((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt_forgetremovedqs #cs�t|���fd�}�fd�}d�}�fd�}�fd�}i	|d6|d6|d6|d	6|d
6|d6|d6|d
6|d6}	xH|D]@\}
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||<qMWdS(Ncs�j|�dS(N(R7(Rtargs(tpmmf(s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytaddop�scs�j|�dS(N(tdiscard(RRi(Rj(s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytremoveop�scSsdS(N((RRi((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytnop�scs6|\}}}|r%�j|�n�j|�dS(N(RlR7(RRitf2R5R1(Rj(s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytrenameop�scs6|\}}}|r%�j|�n�j|�dS(N(RlR7(RRiRoR5tmove(Rj(s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytmergeop�staR'tdrteRtgtmR@trdtcdtdcs(case-folding collision between %s and %s(	tsettgettAssertionErrorRItsortedR+tnormcaseR`R(RtwmfRgtpromptsRkRmRnRpRrtopmapRRwRitmsgtoptfoldmaptfold((Rjs5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt_checkcollision�sD	

c*Cs�	|o
|}gii}	}
}t}|r6|}n_||krQ|j�}nD|rn|jdt�rnn'|r�|jjddt�r�t}ngt|j�||gdd��D]}
j�^q�|rvt	j
}}}x6|j�D](\}}|	j|d|fdf�qWx9|j�D](\}}|	j|d|fd	f�qGWn|jj
��|jjdt|�t|�t|�f�|jjd|||f�|j�|j�|j�}}}t|
cd7<Pq?q?Wngg}}tj||�}|j|�}tj||�}x�|j�D]�\}\}}|r�|\} }!n(|j|d5�} }!| d5krq�n|r&|\}"}#n|j|�}"}#|rR||�rRq�n| r�|!r�|j|�}$d|"|#|$k}%|j|t�}&|!|&kr�|#|$kr�qg| |&kr|"|$kr| |!kr�|	j|d|#fdf�q�|	j|d|#fdf�qg|%rA|!|&krA|	j|d|#fdf�qg|%rr| |&krr|	j|d|"fdf�qg|	j|d||tfdf�q�||kr�q�| r�||kr�||}'|	j|dd5|'|"fd|'f�q�| r0||
|}'|	j|d|'|tfd|'f�q�| r�||kr�| ||krh|j|df�qg| ddkr�|	j|dd5df�qg|	j|dd5df�q�|!r�||kr�||}'|	jd5d||'|#fd |'f�q�|!ro||
|}'|'|krF|	j|'d||tfd!|f�qg|	j|'d||tfd"|f�q�|!r;||kr;|r�|r�|	j|d|#fd#f�qgt||||�}(|r�|r�|(r�|	j|d||tfd$f�qg|r|(r|j|d%f�qg|	j|d|#fd#f�q�|!r�|!||kr�|j|d&f�q�q�WxUt|�D]G\}})|)d%kr�|jjtd'�|�qxtsxt |)��qxW|r�t!j"td(���nt!j#|j$�sE|r/|s|jdtd)t�r/t%||gg�qEt%|||	|�nxet|�D]W\}})|)dkr�|r�|	j|dd5d*f�q�	|jj&td+�|td,�td-�fd.�r�|	j|dd5d/f�q�	|	j|dd5d0f�qR|)d&kr�	|r2	|	j|d|j|�fd1f�q�	|jj&td2�|td,�td3�fd.��	|	j|d|j|�fd4f�q�	qRtsRt |)��qRW|	S(6s�
    Merge p1 and p2 with ancestor pa and generate merge action list

    branchmerge and force are as passed in to update
    partial = function to filter file lists
    acceptremote = accept the incoming changes without prompting
    tmissingRtfollowcopiestkeycSs
|j�S(N(trev(RB((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt<lambda>�sRtsdivergent renamesRxsrename and deletesresolving manifests
s) branchmerge: %s, force: %s, partial: %s
s% ancestor: %s, local: %s, remote: %s
s.hgsubstatet+R!Rusupdate permissionsRvsremote is newerRwsversions differR'sremote renamed directory to slocal copied/moved to RyiRsRsremote deletedR@s
other deletedslocal renamed directory to sremote copied to sremote moved to sremote createds#remote differs from untracked localtudRzs%s: untracked file differs
sLuntracked files in working directory differ from files in requested revisiontbranchs
remote deletesHlocal changed %s which remote deleted
use (c)hanged version or (d)elete?s&Changeds&Deleteis
prompt deletesprompt keepsremote recreatingsOremote changed %s which local deleted
use (c)hanged version or leave (d)eleted?s&Deletedsprompt recreatingN('Rtp1tdirtyRRDt
configboolR~tparentstmanifesttcopiestmergecopiesR&RdtnoteRtdebugtboolR{tvaluestupdatetsubstatetsubtdicthelperstdifft	flagsdiffRR|RIR1RR_RER}R+R`t	checkcaseR-R�tpromptchoice(*RRJtp2tpaRftforcetpartialtacceptremotet	overwriteRgtcopytmovewithdirR�RBtrettdivergetrenamedeletetoftfltm1tm2tmatcopiedtstabortsR�tfdiffR�tdiff12Rtn12tfl12tn1tn2tfl1tfl2RRtnolRsRot	differentRw((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt

		9 ##&


		(		$+cCs |ddkrdpd|fS(NiR@i����i((Rs((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt	actionkeysccs|jj}tj}|j}|j}|j}|jj}	d}
x|D]}|d}|ddkr�|r�|jj	t
d�|�n|	|�y|||�dt�Wq3tk
d�||
jf�q3XnG|r|jj	t
d�|�n||||�j�|dd�|
d	krS|
|fVd}
|fVnd
S(s�apply usually-non-interactive updates to the working directory

    mctx is the context to be merged into the working copy

    yields tuples for progress updates
    iiR@sremoving %s
ignoremissings update failed to remove %s: %s!
sgetting %s
unlinkpathR[RCRFtwopenertauditR�RRtOSErrorREtstrerrorR/(RR^R�RiR�tunlinkR[tfctxRFR�R targRtinst((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt	getremove�s6				

$	c(Cs�d\}}}}	t|�}
j|j�j��g}|jdt�xB|D]:}|\}
}||}||kr#|j�r|j�}q5|j	|
�}n|j||�}|sS|j	|
j||||�|
��q�q�Wt|�}g|D]}|d	d
kr|^q}g|D]}|d	dkr=|^q=}t|�}g|D]}|d	dkrr|^qr}t|�}g|D]}|d	d
kr�|^q�}g|D] }|ddkr�|d	^q�}|r(|ddkr(tj|||||�nd}tj|jd
t|||f|�}xO|D]G\}} ||7}|jjtd�|d| d|dtd��q\Wtj|jd
t|||f|�}xO|D]G\}} ||7}|jjtd�|d| d|dtd��q�W|rR|ddkrRtj|||||�ntd�}!td�}"|jj}#x�t|�D]�\}}|\}
}}}|#|!||d	d|
j|||�}$|$dk	r[|$dkr[|	d	7}	qa|$dkrt|d	7}qa|d	7}q�|dkr_|\}}}%|
r|jj td�|
�|j!||j	|
��n|rR|jj td�||f�|j!||j	|�j"�|%�n|d	7}q�|dkr�|\}&|jj#td�|
�d|%kd|%k�|d	7}q�q�W|
j%�|#|!dd|d|"�||||	fS( sMapply the merge action list to the working directory

    wctx is the working copy context
    mctx is the context to be merged into the working copy
    actx is the context of the common ancestor

    Return a tuple of counts (updated, merged, removed, unresolved) that
    describes how many files were affected by the update.
    iR�s %s: %s -> %s
Rws.hgsubstates"  preserving %s for resolve of %s
RAsremoving %s
itgrRvR@g����MbP?tupdatingtitemttotaltunittfilesR'smoving %s to %s
sgetting %s to %s
Rts<note: possible conflict - %s was renamed multiple times to:
s %s
Rxs9note: possible conflict - %s was deleted and renamed to:
RuR!RB(iiiiN(&RRR�RR<R�RDR�R�RCRtancestorR7RdR�R�RYR-tlexistsR[R+R�tlentsubrepotsubmergetworkerR�tprogressRRRSRIR�RFR/REtsetflagsR)((RRgRJR^tactxR�tupdatedtmergedRet
removeactionsthgsubtztprogR R�t	_updatingt_filesR�R@R1R�tnf((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytapplyupdates�s�


))))-	
$'


" %
CsZg}|t||||||||�7}|j�dkrV|t|||�7}n|S(s4Calculate the actions needed to merge mctx into tctxN(R�R�RIRh(	RttctxR^R�RfR�R�R�Rg((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pytcalculateupdates,s
cCs�x�|D]~}|\}}}}|dkrW|rD|jj|�q�|jj|�q|dkr|s�|jj|�q�q|dkr�|jj|�q|dkr�|jj|�q|dkr�|r�|jj|�q�|jj|�q|dkr�|\}}	}
|r�|jj|	�||kr�|
rK|jj|�n||	krm|jj||	�q�|jj||	�q�q�||	kr�|jj|	�n|
r�|jj|�q�q|dkr|\}}	}|r�||jkr�qn|rY|jj|	�|r:|jj|�|jj||	�n|r�|jj||	�q�q�|jj|	�|r�|jj|�q�qqWdS(	s$record merge actions to the dirstateR@RsRRuRvRwR'N(	RWtremovetdropR7tnormallookuptotherparenttnormalRR�(RRgRfRsRRwRiR�RoR5Rqtflag((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt
cCs;|}|j�}z�|d}	|dkr�y|j|	j��}Wq�tjk
r�|	j�dkr{|jd�}q�tjt	d�|	j���q�Xn|o�|}
|	j
�}|d||}}
|r�||}n|j|
�}|j�|
j�t
|�t
rXt|�dkrXtjt	d���n|re||
kr�tjt	d���nR||kr�|r�|j�|
j�kr�tjt	d�d	t	d
���q�n|r|	j�s�|	j�rtjt	d�d	t	d���nxt|	j�D]7}|	j|�j�r'tjt	d
s)|||
fkr)|	jdt�}|s�|dkrtj||j�g�}||j�|kr�|}q#|r�t	d�}tj|��q#t	d�}tj|��q&|}q)nt||	|
|||||�}|sq|t|df\}}}}n|s�|jddtd|d|�nt|||	|
j��q�nWd|j �X|s7|jdd|d|d|d�n|S(s�
    Perform a merge between the working directory and the given node

    node = the node to update to, or None if unspecified
    branchmerge = whether to merge between branches
    force = whether to force branch merging or file overwriting
    partial = a function to filter file lists (dirstate not updated)
    mergeancestor = whether it is merging with an ancestor. If true,
      we should accept the incoming changes for any prompts that occur.
      If false, merging with an ancestor (fast-forward) is only allowed
      between different named branches. This flag is used by rebase extension
      as a temporary fix and should be avoided in general.

    The table below shows all the behaviors of the update command
    given the -c and -C or no options, whether the working directory
    is dirty, whether a revision is specified, and the relationship of
    the parent rev to the target rev (linear, on the same named
    branch, or on another named branch).

    This logic is tested by test-update-branches.t.

    -c  -C  dirty  rev  |  linear   same  cross
     n   n    n     n   |    ok     (1)     x
     n   n    n     y   |    ok     ok     ok
     n   n    y     *   |   merge   (2)    (2)
     n   y    *     *   |    ---  discard  ---
     y   n    y     *   |    ---    (3)    ---
     y   n    n     *   |    ---    ok     ---
     y   y    *     *   |    ---    (4)    ---

    x = can't happen
    * = don't-care
    1 = abort: crosses branches (use 'hg merge' or 'hg update -c')
    2 = abort: crosses branches (use 'hg merge' to merge or
                 use 'hg update -C' to discard changes)
    3 = abort: uncommitted local changes
    4 = incompatible options (checked in

    Return the same tuple as applyupdates().
    tdefaultttipsbranch %s not foundiisoutstanding uncommitted mergess7merging with a working directory ancestor has no effectsnothing to mergethints#use 'hg update' or check 'hg heads'soutstanding uncommitted changessuse 'hg status' to list changess5outstanding uncommitted changes in subrepository '%s'R�sCcrosses branches (merge branches or use --clean to discard changes)sCcrosses branches (merge branches or update --check to force update)tt	preupdatetthrowtparent1tparent2NR�Rai(!twlockRIt	branchtipR�RatRepoLookupErrortlookupR+R`RR�R�RtstrR�R�RcR~R�R�R�RRt
setparentsR�RWt	setbranchtrelease(RRRfR�R�R�t
6	!" &("RRRRRti18nRt	mercurialRRaR+RHR�R�R�R�RRYRtobjectRR_RbRhR�RR�R�R�R�R�R�RIR�(((s5/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/merge.pyt<module>s""T$Q				9�		$	�	>

Anon7 - 2021